TRE® GS Online

TRE® Group Supervision Online with Annette Kosak

Online Supervision Groups for Trainees and Providers :

Regular Thursdays 12.30 to 2.30 pm UK timezone :

 14 July – 25 August – 22 September 

Group shake followed by discussion on all things TRE, for Certified TRE Providers and Trainees. The goal is a creative space to explore TRE theory and practice.The sessions can form part of your Certification Process (NB please agree credits first with your TRE Mentor).

  • £ 25 full price        

Content will vary but possibilities include (*)

  • Group shake and exercises led by Annette
  • Check in on learning progress during all stages of the Certification Process (Self Practice, Teaching Individuals, Teaching Groups)
  • Discussion of theory relevant to TRE
  • Demo sessions led by Annette
  • Learning from other Certified TRE Provider Trainees
  • Exploring personal process in response to self practice of TRE
  • Exploring learning edges when teaching individuals and groups
  • 50/50 group shake, half the group watches, the other half shake and then vice versa
  • Exploring clinical questions arising from real client experiences
  • (*) Format by Steve Haines (TRE College)

Who can attend ?

  • Certified TRE Provider Trainees with TRE College
  • Certified TRE Provider Trainees training on another accredited TRE for All, Inc course
  • Certified TRE Providers