TRE® Mentor

Annette Kosak 

Certified TRE® Provider TRE® Mentor/Supervisor


Annette Kosak is a TRE® Mentor/Supervisor at TRE College (London). She trained as Certified TRE® Provider with Steve Haines and TRE College (London/ Geneva) and was certified in 2017.

She leads clients through the TRE® Process in Switzerland in Geneva, Vevey and Fribourg (French speaking part) and in Bern (German speaking part). Annette is also a TRE® Mentor at TRE College Schweiz.

She gives TRE® one to one sessions, introductory workshop days and regular groups in English, French and German (face-to-face and online). She is a Shiatsu practitioner (International Shiatsu School, Genève, 2006 – 2010) and teaches Hatha and Yin Yoga, Qi Gong and Meditation since 2010.

Previously she worked as a visual contemporary artist and curator, was nominated for the Swiss Arts Awards in 2006 and holds a Master of Arts degree from Goldsmiths College, University of London (2000 – 2001). She worked and lived in London for several years.

Annette is based in Switzerland but travels regularly to London to assist at TRE College Modules 1,2,3. On those dates she is available for face-to-face » supervision sessions in London, otherwise she is available via Zoom or Skype. She gives also regular TRE® Group Supervision Online for TRE® Trainees and TRE® Providers. 

« I met TRE® on the search for a self-help tool to release deep, chronic tensions in my body after an overwhelming event. At that time my Yoga, Qi Gong and Meditation practices tensed me more than relaxed me, without the origin being clear to me.

Through a regular TRE® practice, my chronic pattern of physical tension and emotional stress – step by step – has wonderfully transformed. It was essential to release the defensive blockages of the autonomous nervous system through safe, self-induced shaking before I could work more intensively with Yoga, Qi Gong and Meditation again.

TRE® is an amazingly accessible tool to wake up the body, feel safe in it and to inhabit the body more and more.TRE® enhances a sense of unity and vitality and helps to be more present in our physical experiences. Through TRE®, clients feel great relief and release in their body mind, whether it is through tension or stress reduction or clearing of overwhelming events. « 

TRE® Supervision Session (1 to 1) TRE College (UK) :      £ 80  for 60 minutes